The Benefits of Hiring a Commercial Floor Cleaning Company

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Kids might follow the “Five-Second Rule,” but any business owner knows how quickly floors become filthy — and they’d think twice before eating off of one.

Employees and clients track in dust and dirt all day, and neglecting the mess can lead to safety concerns or a dent in your company’s reputation. Fortunately, that’s where professional floor cleaners can help.

Whether your floors are covered with tile, hardwood, vinyl, or carpet, a commercial floor cleaning company can keep your walkways tidy and hygienic. They’ll take the necessary steps to remove the pathogens, allergens, dust, and dirt that regularly accumulate throughout your facility.

But do you need to hire someone if you could just vacuum or mop it yourself? Here is why hiring a professional cleaning company is worth the cost for your business.

Professional Floor Cleaners Give Your Business an Excellent Image

Depending on the square footage of your building, regular floor cleaning may not be possible, or it would require too much time from your employees’ busy workdays. But a scuffed or dirty floor will not escape the notice of your customers.

Your floors’ appearance can have a major impact on the way your clients view your property. A dirty floor or stained carpet will give off an undesirable first impression, leaving your customers to believe that you are not adequately maintaining your property. Your business seems cheap, negligent, and poorly managed.

On the flip side, a clean floor or carpet signals to clients that you take care of the details. Your business seems sharp, modern, and successful. After all, the cleaner your establishment is, the more confidence customers may have in your services or goods. Professional floor cleaners can give your floors the proper care regularly so that your business maintains a spotless image long term.

Keep Diseases from Spreading

Another reason to hire a professional cleaning company is that their services can help reduce the spread of disease at your company.

An unkempt floor or carpet is more than an eyesore — it can be unhealthy. That’s because the pollutants and dirt that customers and employees track into your building won’t stay on your floor or carpet. Instead, your HVAC system, wind, and even additional foot traffic can launch these pollutants into the atmosphere.

Both your workers and your customers can then inhale these allergens. Unfortunately, this can cause sickness and also make your work environment more uncomfortable. By hiring professional floor cleaners, you can avoid these issues and, in turn, reduce your employees’ number of sick days.

Increase Employee Productivity

When you hire a commercial floor cleaning company to scrub your floors, you’ll also give your workers’ productivity a boost.

When viruses aren’t removed from floors and other surfaces at your business, they can infect your workers for as long as 48 hours. If multiple employees at your company become sick as a result, you may find yourself short-staffed. Unfortunately, this may lead to a slowdown in production. Professional floor cleaners will help to keep dangerous viruses from spreading and infecting your workers so that your team remains a well-oiled, productive machine.

Thorough floor cleanings will also increase your staff’s productivity because unhealthy, dirty indoor air can diminish cognitive function. Professional floor cleaners can make your workspace cleaner and therefore make it easier for your employees to focus on their tasks and achieve their milestones. On top of this, when your staff’s work environment looks and smells clean and fresh, they’ll feel happier and more motivated to perform as a result.

Three men discussing business in a warehouse

Elevate Employee Morale

When your staff’s work environment looks and smells clean and fresh with the help of a commercial floor cleaning company, your workers will feel happier and more motivated to sing your company’s praises to customers or friends on social media as a result.

This might help you to draw more business to your establishment, as customers may be more likely to view you in a positive light if your workers speak highly of the company. Likewise, it may help you to attract top talent.

All in all, when your staff morale increases due to clean floors and workspaces, this will help you to take your business brand to the next level in the public eye. As a result, you can expect your company to continue to grow in the years ahead.

Save Money Long Term

Yet another reason to invest in reputable professional floor cleaners is that they can help you to save on costs over the long haul.

Routine janitorial services may include mopping or vacuuming, but floors usually need a deep clean to truly shine. Waxing or buffing your hard floor, or shampooing your carpet, requires special equipment and supplies. Buying, storing, and maintaining the proper cleaning apparatus is often an unnecessary upfront expense when a company can efficiently polish your commercial floor with a single appointment.

Clean floors also last longer. Stained carpets and scratched-up hardwoods may need to be replaced sooner than you expected. You can minimize these expenses by scheduling regular floor maintenance.

Maintain a Safe Environment

Professional floor cleaners are also worth the investment given that your customers or employees may bring liquids or waste into your establishment with them. As a result, your floors may become slippery and wet. Over time, this may cause your commercial flooring to develop holes and gaps. If you have wood floors, they may even begin to splinter. All of this can present serious safety hazards for your customers and workers.

With professional floor cleaners, you can make sure that all of your floor surfaces remain spotless and dry, which will lead to a safer environment. A commercial floor cleaning company’s team can also identify issues with your flooring or carpeting right away so that you can fix these problems before they become worse. 

Frees Up Your Time

Finally, when you hire professional floor cleaners, you’ll save yourself the time and energy you would rather dedicate to running your business. Instead of worrying about keeping your floors tidy, you can concentrate on managing your workers, generating sales, and promoting your services or products. You can leave your floor maintenance and cleaning tasks to people who specialize in this area.

Why Partner with Seattle Commercial Cleaners?

Seattle Commercial Cleaners is proud to be one of the leading professional floor cleaners in the region. We’ve also earned a reputation for providing other types of high-level commercial cleaning services, including janitorial services, high dusting, and disinfecting services. This makes us the perfect single point of contact for all of your commercial cleaning needs. We can even set you up on a regular cleaning schedule so that your floors and other important parts of your commercial building never miss a cleaning.

When you work with us, you can expect the best service every time as we value attention to detail, consistency, and high integrity. Our teams serve the Pacific Northwest with offices in Seattle.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our services and get an estimate on your cleaning job today!